Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) and the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (JAI) have recently signed a Memorandum Of Understanding.

The MOU provides a framework for cooperation between the JAI and FNAL on a range of projects, including development of accelerator science training program for young scientists, machine-detector interface and beam instrumentation studies towards muon collider, development and coordination of the accelerator science programme, including joint experiments in the ASTA (Advanced Science and Technology Accelerator facility) and the ASL (Accelerator Science Laboratory), under development in Fermilab and JAI correspondingly.
The MOU also foresee studies of the use of high intensity proton and ions beams with their particular application for the Project-X and ISIS upgrade, and other projects of the mutual interest. Last, but not least, the framework foresees collaboration in activities for industrialisation of accelerator technologies, via IARC (Illinois Accelerator Research Centre – shown on the illustration) in FNAL and via JAI industrial activities in UK.
The Fermilab-JAI MOU further enhanced the US-UK ties in the field of proton accelerator science and technology, which were raised at new levels at the recent US-UK Workshop on Proton Accelerator for Science and Innovation held at Fermilab in January 2012, and which resulted in signing the Fermilab-STFC letter of intent.
Prof Andrei Seryi, Director of JAI, said “I am pleased to have signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Fermilab. Looking forward, I am delighted that we will closely collaborate, aiming to bring fruits of our field to science and society”.
Dr Pier Oddone, Director of Fermilab, stressed that “The MOU will benefit both Fermilab and JAI by enhancing US-UK ties and allowing collaboration on a range of projects. We are excited for this opportunity to work with JAI to advance our scientific goals.”
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory advances the understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy by providing leadership and resources for qualified researchers to conduct basic research at the frontiers of high energy physics and related disciplines. Fermilab is operated by the Fermi Research Alliance, a joint venture of the University of Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology and the Universities Research Association (URA). For further information about Fermilab, please visit the FNAL website.
Figure caption: Rendering of the Illinois Accelerator Research Center that will be located on Fermilab Campus and will provide a state-of-the-art facility for research, development and industrialization of accelerator science and technology.