John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science : All Pages
About the John Adams Institute
Picture Credits
Accessibility Statement
Electron Beams
Proton beams
Advanced Instrumentation
Advanced Acceleration
Beam Therapy
Graduate Admissions
Graduate Design Project
Graduate Lectures
JAI Alumni
More Information
Sir John Adams
What the Adams Institute Does
Seminar: Synchrotron Light Illuminates the Origin of the Solar System
Seminar: Towards Nuclear Physics Driven by Extreme Light at ELI-NP
Seminar: The LCLS-II and the CW X-ray Free Electron Laser: Advancing Operational SRF Technology
Linear Colliders ILC and CLIC
Neutrino Factory
Studying high intensity beams with IBEX
Stray Magnetic Field Measurements at CERN
JAI science: XBox at CERN
Seminar: Synchrotron Light Illuminates the Origin of the Solar System
Latest news
Seminar: Trip the Light Fantastic
Seminar: Machine Learning Project Development in Particle Accelerators: A Business Perspective
Major boost to UK participation in pioneering experiment at CERN detail
Seminar: The Societal Impact of CERN Accelerator Technologies: From Cancer Therapy to Artwork Analysis
Philip Burrows elected chair of HL-LHC Collaboration Board
LhARA – next-generation radiotherapy for cancer treatment
Richard D'Arcy to join faculty detail
DPhil Delight!
JAI Students visit CERN
Seminar: The CERN LHC Injector Complex
Seminar: Lessons learnt in building a research capability for proton therapy; informing the design of a future Ion Therapy Research facility
Seminar: 20 Years of Photo Electrons at the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ): High Brightness
Seminar: Distributed Coupling Linear Accelerators and their Applications
Seminar: The Muon Collider
Seminar: The H2020 CompactLight Design Study
Seminar: IsoDAR@YEMILAB and its Next-generation Proton Cyclotron
Seminar: Ion Sources
Webinars for the Commission on the Status of Women 2022
Webinar: Disparities in Cancer Care for Women: An Urgent Global Need
Webinar: Women in STEM: Mind the Gap
Seminar: Accelerator Physics at Fermilab's IOTA Ring
Seminar: Student Design Project
Seminar: Space-borne Accelerators
Seminar: Present Performance and Future Opportunities at the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source
New seminar series for winter 2022
JAI Fest Agenda Announced!
Challenges in Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics
Superconducting RF at CERN: Past Achievements and Future Challenges
Status of the International Accelerator Facility FAIR
Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Assistant
The CERN Next Ion Medical Machine Study
JAI Fest - Save the date!
The PIP-II Project at Fermilab
Seminar: Quantum Beams - Single Electron/Photon Physics
Return of the UK accelerator seminar series
Associate Professor Job Opportunity
Mr. Christopher Adams and friends visit the John Adams Institute
Phil Burrows elected member of IoP council
Joint UK accelerator institutes seminar series concludes
Another CERN Fellowship for JAI, Oxford
Joint UK seminar: The Diamond-II Upgrade Project
Joint UK seminar: Building the European Spallation Source Accelerator
UK Joint Accelerator Institutes Seminar Series Announced
Student Design Project: The eSPS at CERN
JAI Seminar: Student Design Project
JAI Seminar: Upgrade of the ISIS Facility
JAI Seminar: Physics vs Cancer
Nurturing links with industry for results in scientific research
JAI Seminar: The SuperKEKB Accelerator
JAI Seminar: Superconducting Magnets
JAI Seminar: Overview of the International Linear Collider
JAI Seminar: FCC-ee Higgs and Electroweak Factory
JAI Seminar: A primary electron beam facility at CERN — eSPS
New Electron Beam Facility proposed for CERN
Exciting new JAI Seminars Announced
VHEE2020 Workshop Attracts Over 400 Researchers
Virtual JAI Fest goes down a storm
PhD success!
JAI Fest 2020: 11th December - save the date!
IOP recognises Professor Simon Hooker
Welcome to the 2020 cohort of JAI/Oxford DPhil students!
Updated studies of the luminosity performance of CLIC
JAI playing leading role in Large Hadron Collider Upgrade
JAI Job Opportunities
JAI student wins prestigious poster prize
Large Hadron Collider enters new phase with Oxford playing key role
PhD Success!
Designing new radiotherapy technologies to treat cancer in low- and middle-income countries
Professor Brian Foster awarded IOP Honorary Fellowship
JAI CERN Fellowships Announced
JAI Seminar: Physics Beyond Colliders at CERN: New discoveries beyond new supercolliders?
Yet Another PhD Success!
JAI Seminar: Machine Learning Techniques for Particle Accelerators
Professor Philip Burrows appointed Director of the JAI
JAI Fest: A roaring success!
Student Design Project: A Rapid Cycling Synchrotron for a Muon Collider
PhD Success!
JAI Seminar: The design of a future Muon Collider
JAI Fest - Tomorrow!
Cleaning up the planet with particle accelerators
JAI Fest - Friday 6th December
Studying high intensity beams with IBEX
A Roadmap for Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
European Strategy for Particle Physics Update (ESU)
Manjit Dosanjh appointed Visiting Professor at the John Adams Institute, Oxford Physics Department
Accelerating the Future: Designing a Robust and Affordable Radiation Therapy Treatment System for Challenging Environments
PhD success
Stray Magnetic Field Measurements at CERN
Accelerator design project - The scSPS
Nominations for the Simon van der Meer Early Career Award in Novel Accelerators
JAI Seminar “Advanced Research in IOTA: Beyond PIP-II, Nonlinear Dynamics, Optical Stochastic Cooling and Quantum Science”
JAI science: XBox at CERN
March Lectures
February Lectures
Lecture: Interaction of atoms and molecules with free electron lasers
January Lectures
Dr Suzie Sheehy: The case for curiosity driven research
CERN LHCreate outreach hackathon
JAIfest 2018
Particle Physics Graduate Open Days 2018
Upcoming seminar - Advanced Channeling Technologies
New leadership at the John Adams Institute
Continuity of Successful Operation of JAI
Accelerate! show at the Curiosity Carnival
Energy recovery is coming to plasma acceleration
USPAS praising JAI training methods
Accelerator training experiments
Physics on stage at the Big Bang Fair
The year of new projects
The year marked by our 10-th anniversary
New training course connecting science with the industrial art of inventiveness
JAI has joined JUAS
JAI participated in UK-Russia Joint Committee on Scientific and Technical Co-operation, Oct 2013
Linear Collider – UK Meeting, John Adams Institute, Oxford, September 2013 (Philip Burrows)
The JAI hosts the 3rd Low Emittance Ring Workshop in Oxford
FLASHForward to the future – Helmholtz Virtual Institute
The John Adams Institute is expanding
National Vacuum Electronics Conference 2012
Searching for the New Worlds - from Planets to Subatomic Particles
Fermilab-JAI collaboration
Prof. Vadim Dudnikov spends Valentine's week with the ISIS Ion Source Section
EMMA promises better cancer therapy
JINR delegation visit to JAI
SuperB mini-workshop at Oxford
"Together we are stronger"
Measuring in the femtosecond range
Shedding Light on the Dark Universe
BNL - JAI collaboration agreement
JAI Advisory Board
Super-B scientists test new ideas at Diamond
"Opportunities from Accelerator Technology" workshop
JAI makes a "Big Bang" at the British Science Festival
New Director takes over the John Adams Institute
Suzanne Sheehy Royal Commission Fellowship
The JAI at the House of Commons
The JAI at the Royal Society
Seminar: Synchrotron Light Illuminates the Origin of the Solar System
Seminar: Towards Nuclear Physics Driven by Extreme Light at ELI-NP
Seminar: The LCLS-II and the CW X-ray Free Electron Laser: Advancing Operational SRF Technology
Seminar: ALS Upgrade Goals and Project Status
Full Member Listing
Beam and FEL
Novel Hadron Accelerators and Beam Dynamics
National Vacuum Electronics Conference 2012
Seminar: Plasma Wakefield Accelerators as an Option at the HEP Energy Frontier
Successful DPhil Viva Voce
New Appointment to the John Adams Institute
Environmental sustainability for future accelerators
Jack Salvesen receives the Adams Prize
JAI students visit CERN
JAI student report published
The John Adams Institute is now on LinkedIn
PhD Success!
HALHF Project
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Advancing Sustainability in Particle Accelerators
PhD Success!
JAI Summer internship at CERN
JAI Summer internship at CERN
JAI student wins poster prize at VHEE'2023
PhD Success!
HALHF Monthly Accelerator Meetings
PhD Success!
John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science: Use of cookies on this website
PhD Success!
Welcome to the JAI
Members of the JAI present their work at IPAC24
PhD Success!
JAI student visit and seminar at CERN
Corey Lehmann awarded the John Adams Prize
Oxford Physics Student Wins Prestigious Gibbs Prize for MPhys Project
PhD Success!
Philip Burrows re-elected Chair of the HL-LHC Collaboration Board
Environmental Sustainability
Philip Burrows at Physics World Live
Philip Burrows at Physics World Live
JAI Fest 2024
PhD success!
Award for Outstanding Research Supervision